...the Great American Smokeout! This year, the event was held on November 18, 2010. The Great American Smokeout, which celebrated its 35th anniversary, was sponsored by the American Cancer Society. Smokers across the nation take part in this event by smoking less or quitting for the day. It is an effective way to challenge people to stop using tobacco and help make them aware of the many tools they can use to quit for good. Non-smokers can also take part in this event by acting as a support system to guide smokers on a path to a smoke-free life.
A few days later I headed to Manhattan to attend the Fight for Air Climb.
On November 21, 2010, I attended this event at the World Financial Center. The American Lung Association and Clean Air NY were the sponsoring organizations. The objective of this event is to raise funds to help in the fight for healthy lungs and clean air by climbing the stairs of the World Financial Center. So if you were wondering, that's a total of 40 stories...or 850 steps! I attended the Fight for Air Climb not only as a supporter for the climbers, but as an advocate for tobacco prevention and cessation.